Human Talent

Our Professionals

Commitment, Creativity, and Experience

Each member of our team brings deep expertise in their respective fields, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge technological solutions.

Hernando 1 1024x909
Hernando Augusto Román Gómez


Marcela 3 1024x909
Diana Marcela Acevedo Cardona

General Manager

Jeronimo 1 1024x909
Jerónimo Robledo Acevedo

General Project Director

Juliana 1024x909
Juliana Hurtado Ocampo

Administrative Project Director

Laura 1024x909
Laura Johana Piedrahíta Londoño

Financial Project Director

Juan Pablo 1 1024x909
Juan Pablo Zabala Hernández

IT Director

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Claudia Patricia Castaño Cárdenas

Human Management Assistant

Angela 1024x909
Ángela Milena Gallego Cardona

SIG Leader

Santiago 1024x909
Santiago Trujillo Patiño

Technology and Information Security Leader

Juan David 1 1024x909
Juan David Alzate Mendez

Requirements and Design Leader

Jaime 1 1024x909
Jaime Hernández Osorio

Development Leader

Jose Luis
José Luis Hurtado Villa

R+D+I Leader

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Erika Johana Pérez Ramírez

Testing Leader

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Daniela Rodríguez Lasso

Communications Analyst

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Sergio Estebán Latorre

Customer Service Leader

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Leidy Carenth Tabares

Sales Leader

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